Spiritual Guidance & Mentorship


Welcome to the Spiritual Guidance and Mentorship Session 

Are you searching for deeper meaning, clarity, and guidance on your spiritual journey?

Look no further! I am here to support and guide you on your path towards self-discovery, enlightenment, and personal growth.


 About The Spiritual Guidance & Mentorship Session:


During our session we will embark on a transformative journey together, exploring various aspects of spirituality, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all things. Whether you are a seasoned seeker or just beginning to explore your spiritual side, these sessions are designed to meet you wherever you are on your path. 

During our time together, we will co-create a sacred space where you can openly express yourself, share your challenges, and receive compassionate guidance.

supportive space:

  • Prepare Questions: Feel free to prepare a list of questions to ask Dr. Lotte during your session. 

  • Non-Judgmental Environment: This session is a non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself and your Spiritual Journey without fear.

  • Empowerment on Your Spiritual Journey: This session can empower you embrace your spiritual path with confidence and clarity.

  • Wisdom and Insight: Your mentor will share their wisdom and insights, drawing from their own experiences and spiritual knowledge.

  • Recommendations: During your session you might receive recommendations for specific meditation practices, books, courses, etc. 

  • Introspection and Self-Discovery: The session may involve introspective discussions to help you explore your inner self, beliefs, and help you take the next step on your spiritual evolution.

  • Support and Encouragement: You'll receive support and encouragement from your mentor, fostering a safe space for your spiritual growth.


Additional Information on Booking a Spiritual Guidance & Mentorship Session: 

  • For those embarking on this journey for the first time, I recommend scheduling a 1-Hour session. This duration allows us to delve deep into your aspirations, chart a personalized plan, and equip you with empowering tools and practices to propel you forward on your spiritual path.

  • Once we have established a solid foundation, you can choose between 1-Hour or 30-Minute sessions for ongoing mentoring. You have the freedom to design a schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and integration speed. Whether you prefer weekly sessions for an immersive experience or a more flexible bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly arrangement, the choice is yours.

  • Please note that my role is that of a guide and mentor, and I am not affiliated with any specific religious or spiritual tradition. My teachings are grounded in universal principles and respect for individual beliefs and paths. Together, we will cultivate an inspiring, healing, and uplifting space where your spiritual evolution will flourish. As your mentor, my intention is to empower you to embrace your inner wisdom, awaken your spiritual gifts, and embrace a life of authenticity and alignment. 


I invite you to embrace this opportunity for growth, transformation, and soulful connection. Book a Spiritual Guidance and Mentorship Session today and let us embark on a journey that will illuminate your path, empower your spirit, and awaken the true brilliance that lies within you.


Spiritual Guidance & mentorship Session

1-Hour - $299.00

Select your time zone below & click on the BOLDED dates to see available session times.

Sessions are provided online over Zoom. After booking you will receive an email confirmation that will contain the zoom link for your session.