Science with Soul Blog Posts

Finding Your Inner Strength and Power with Spring Washam

October 14, 2023


About Spring Washam

Spring Washam, considered a pioneer in bringing mindfulness-based meditation practices to diverse communities, she is a well-known teacher, healer, and visionary leader. She is the author of two books; A Fierce Heart: Finding Strength, Courage and Wisdom in Any Moment and The Spirit of Harriet Tubman: Awakening from the Underground.

Spring is one of the founding teachers at the East Bay Meditation Center in East Bay San Francisco, an organization that offers Buddhist teachings with attention to social action and multiculturalism. She is a member of the teacher’s council at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, offering teachings on Buddhist philosophy, Insight meditation and loving-kindness practices. Spring is also the founder of Lotus Vine Journeys, a one-of-a-kind organization that blends indigenous healing practices with Buddhist wisdom for transformative retreats in South America.

She has practiced and studied Buddhist philosophy in both the Theravada and Tibetan schools of Buddhism since 1999. Spring is also a shamanic practitioner and has studied indigenous healing practices since 2008.

Spring’s workshops, interviews, and writing can be found in mainstream media worldwide.

Links & Resources

Website for Spring Washam:

Click here for Books by Spring Washam

Podcast - The Spirit Underground: Conversations on Liberation Podcast

Social Media - Follow Spring Washam on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & YouTube.

Follow Along With The Episode Transcript


Dr. Lotte | Intro [00:00:00] Welcome to Dr. Lotte: Science with Soul, the podcast that transcends the boundaries between science and spirituality. I'm Dr. Lotte, your host, Physician, Medical and Psychic Medium, Ancestral Healer, Keynote Speaker and Award Winning Author of Med School After Menopause The Journey of My Soul. This podcast finds its roots in my own extraordinary life experiences. Through my personal odyssey, I have discovered our profound connection within a divine tapestry of existence. I have traversed the realms of illness, healing and transformation, propelled by two Near-Death Out-of-Body Experiences that bestowed upon me the extraordinary gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Guided by this sacred calling, I embraced the pursuit of medical school at the age of 54. Prepare to be uplifted, transformed, and awakened to create a path to healing your own life physically, emotionally and spiritually by bridging the gap between science and soul.


Dr. Lotte [00:01:20] Welcome to Dr. Lotte Science with Soul. I'm Dr. Lotte and the host of this podcast. Today I am so excited to introduce to you all to Spring Washam. Spring Washam is considered a pioneer in bringing mindfulness based meditation practices to diverse communities. She's a well known teacher, healer and visionary leader based in Oakland, California. She is the author of two books, A Fierce Heart Finding Strength, Courage and Wisdom in Any Moment and the Spirit of Harriet Tubman Awakening from the Underground. Spring is one of the founding teachers at the East Bay Meditation Center in East Bay, San Francisco, an organization that offers Buddhist teachings with attention to social action and multiculturalism. She's a member of the teacher's council at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, offering teachings on Buddhism philosophy, Insight Meditation and loving-kindness practices. Spring is also the founder of Lotus Vine Journeys, a one-of-a-kind organization that blends indigenous healing practices with Buddhist wisdom for transformative retreats in South America. She has practiced and studied Buddhist, Buddhist philosophy in both the Theravada and Tibetan schools of Buddhism since 1999. Spring is also a shamanic practitioner and has studied Indigenous healing practices since 2008. Spring's Workshop interviews and writing can be found in mainstream media worldwide. So welcome Spring is such an honor to have you as a guest today.


Spring Washam [00:03:08] Ah, thank you, Dr. Lotte. I'm so happy to be here with you.


Dr. Lotte [00:03:12] So looking at your website, I found this quote and it says, "I still remember the moment I learned you could heal your life and transform your reality using your thoughts and intentions." So can you tell us a little bit about your journey starting in childhood, and what inspired you to study Buddhism and Meditation?


Spring Washam [00:03:37] Well, you know, I think when I was younger, I was so curious growing up about suffering and I think, you know, I grew up around just beautiful people, but just had so much trauma and and therefore, they weren't really able to maybe parent the way you would. Why? You know, I guess I'd be a really nice way of saying that. And at a young age, just saw the suffering and then just the urban grind, you know, of living in a low income area and then violence and the turmoil and that kind of all of that. I was very aware when I was younger what was happening around me and just so curious, and so I think I remember being a child somebody asked me what I wanted to do. I don't remember where I got the word psychiatrist, but I remember saying that and they would all laugh like, "Do you know how many years you had to go to school?" And I was like, "I'm going to be a psychiatrist! Help people with their mind!". And then years later, you know, being a Buddhist meditation teacher, you're just like talking to people about their minds all day, every day. It's a kind of almost like psychiatry in its own unique way, of course. But I think it was the suffering. It really was my own suffering of just, you know, getting older and then depression and then healing myself from depression and trying to understand this mind body connection. Because even when I was younger, I always thought, something's wrong with our thoughts. I really used to think that it's all about their what are they thinking like this? And then they hurt their children or they leave or they or they're on drugs, they're thinking. So I just didn't have a practice, and this was kind of newer then, you know. So here we are all these years later, inspired by suffering always to wake up. This is like the core of everything I feel.


Dr. Lotte [00:05:37] And what was that moment? That "I still remember the moment I learned you could heal your life." You remember what that moment was?


Spring Washam [00:05:46] Yes! I do remember that. I wrote that a lot about it in my first book, A Fierce Heart, where I stumbled upon meditation somebody left a book by Paramahansa Yogananda, a Hindu teacher who wrote famous books like Autobiography of a Yogi. Somebody left one of his books in my house when I was moving, and I was like, "who is this?" Known as the longhaired Hindu sort of Sadhu looking man? And I started reading it, and I just that was an initial catalyst. And then another was when I learned how to do Insight Meditation. Then I learned that I could become present. For me, that was radical, that I had a choice every day. I can believe my thoughts or I cannot believe them. You know, the thoughts are there. I bother them. Then they bother me. We get tangled. They're suffering. I started to see this over the loop, right? And I started to recognize I have a choice, I have a choice of what to follow today I have a choice of what to believe. And that was the beginning of a tremendous amount of freedom, and that's still my practice today. I wake up there's thoughts there, some are skillful, some are not skillful, some are helpful, some are definitely not helpful. And it's to let them go and and to choose, you know, to become more present. So, yeah, that was kind of a big breakthrough in my early twenties around meditation.


Dr. Lotte [00:07:18] So now, now you're teaching meditation and who can benefit? So all the people that are out there that feel lost and are searching for a more meaningful life or spirituality, who can benefit or what do you see the benefits are from meditation?


Spring Washam [00:07:36] You know, I think for a lot of people, I think over the last couple of years they've really turned to meditation, you know, being that we live through this really intense quarantine and lockdown and all of that, I feel everybody can benefit from meditation no matter what your faith is. It's not really complicated on a lot of levels. It's just learning how to rest in the present moment. A lot of people think meditation is really hard. "I'm too tired to meditate, I'm too", you know, like they're going to go workout at the gym! Yeah, I can understand, you know, but really it's just about settling back. And I think this could be tremendously benefit for everyone who's listening and anyone in the world who wants to learn how to access the stillness inside of us. This more, this quiet, it's so noisy everywhere, everything's amplified. It's like we walk down the street and it's like this amplification, but there there is a stillness that's like always flowing on the inside. But we have to learn how to I'm attuned to it, access it, and then learn how to practice listening to it.


Dr. Lotte [00:08:49] So sometimes when people start meditating, they say, "I don't know how to empty my mind. I just keep thinking about things."


Spring Washam [00:08:57] Right. Welcome. Yeah. Welcome to the. That's the first thing that you have an insight, "My mind is totally crazy." It has no no boundaries. It will go everywhere. And this is, it's not really about emptying your mind. It's impossible to do that. That's like emptying the water out of the ocean. Good luck with that, you know? The minds full of thoughts, right? And so what we do is we just start to become more observant, right? There's a difference between being aware that we're thinking and being lost and thinking. Right? I can notice the thought arise and notice the pass away. So I think this is the big difference. There is mostly we like our thoughts all day long. We enjoy them, we get entertained in them even though they create kind of hell, we're used to it. So this is a different way of being. You're not going to empty our minds. We're just going to settle back notice and try to stay untangled, try to practice present and with anything. Meditation is a habit. So you're not going to sit down on the first day and be a Zen master. Give yourself, if people give up, "One time, it didn't work, all I did was think." Well, yeah! That's what our habit is, you know? So you got to realize that you're developing a new habit and a new skill set and it just really, really every moment of mindfulness leads to another moment. And so there's a way that we approach it with some patience. We love "instant" in our society, but there's no "instant meditation", right? We slowly a climatize our consciousness and our our habit to settling down.


Dr. Lotte [00:10:38] And you also work with plant medicine, like Ayahuasca, which is, you can see that everywhere even The Shift Network now has-


Spring Washam [00:10:46] Oh, I know it's all over!


Dr. Lotte [00:10:48] And the benefits of it. But for the people who have not heard about plant medicine or Ayahuasca, I know you lead retreats and things down in South America is it?


Spring Washam [00:10:58] I do. I do lead retreats in Costa Rica. So Ayahuasca, which is an unusual word, you know, plant medicine and psychedelics and all of these different things that's really making a huge comeback right now because of all the science, right? That is showing long term benefits to depression and post-traumatic stress and trauma and just a better sense of well-being, you know? More connected, more healthy. So I feel that this is such a beautiful opportunity for this moment in time for people who are interested. It's kind of a catalytic moment where all these things are available. So, yes, I started working with ayahuasca very early in the movement, I guess it was 2008 and I was introduced to it because of some of the childhood trauma that I couldn't seem to resolve. So as someone who's always fascinated and healing in different modalities, I was introduced to it and I found it incredibly beneficial to meditate to it, to work with plant based medicine as a form of practice and to include it and and as part of my meditation. And I just it's for those that it's right for, it can be incredibly life changing and very, very helpful and also cut through places that we habitually can end up taking years to sort out. You know, it's like the ten year therapy plan, right? Where we could kind of cut through. And right now we do need to move a little faster here. You know, we're on the brink of the apocalypse and it feels like daily. So there's a certain appreciation I have with experience and things that it doesn't mean it's easy. Short cuts sometimes are hard, right? Do you want to walk around the mountain or you want to climb this hell and you go straight up there, have their challenges. So but there is a whole lot of information that people are interested in working with a plant based medicine are interested in Ayahuasca, you know, I have a lot of information online with my organization, Lotus Vine Journeys, which blends Buddhist based practices with these Indigenous Medicines. So I kind of put them together. That was a big step.


Dr. Lotte [00:13:35] And so how often do you hold retreats there in Costa Rica?


Spring Washam [00:13:40] So right now I hold two retreats there, and then I'm going to be starting to offer more. I was for many years, half the year in Peru, we just recently relocated to Costa Rica. But for the last seven years, I used to do 5 to 6 retreats a year in Peru. So that was, you know, pretty full time. But now, since the laws are changing here in the U.S., there's this huge push toward not just decriminalization, but legalization, legalization. So I will be offering more in those states where they have decided that it's legal for community use, and I'm excited about excited about offering these medicines to those who are ready and feel they're interested and could utilize these kind of medicines.


Dr. Lotte [00:14:33] And do you know offhand what States have made it legal?


Spring Washam [00:14:36] Yes, offhand! So I just came from I'm really fresh in this because I was just at the MAPS conference, which is the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Science they have a huge conference in Denver, 12,000 Therapists and Scientists there. It was really, really exciting. All the research that's happening at universities and Johns Hopkins and psilocybin mushrooms, studies on depressed people. And I think what was the most inspiring just to kind of go off on a moment tangent was the veterans. Yeah, this the stories of people really on the brink of suicide from symptoms of post-traumatic stress, their stories of healing, working with all these things. So what was exciting is Denver has made it and Colorado in this, especially in Denver, there's a big movement there and also Oregon and then has legalized psilocybin and legalized ayahuasca. And then, of course, California sometime next year they're predicting that their bill will move forward. Who knows? But there is movement here. And the good thing in South America, I never thought about it because I always worked in South America, where in Peru, in Brazil, ayahuasca and these plants are considered, you could walk through the airport, you know, and people are very mindful and they treat it as very sacred sacrament of that which it is. But it's interesting being with all the laws, you know, like, wow, okay, I have to get used to the north.


Dr. Lotte [00:16:13] Right. It's coming, though. I mean, there is such a beautiful movement happening where there is this whole awakening to the heart, merging the mind.


Spring Washam [00:16:22] Oh, yes. In nature, I feel that these are gifts from Mother Earth because they connect us to the planet, to the water, to the earth, to the air, to the fire. And this and, you know, this is such a big piece for all of us, is our relationship to the earth and how we care for it. And so I see this as positive. Doesn't mean there won't be dramas and challenges, but overall, I feel that this movement, for me, it offers some hope. Can we turn the corner here, and maybe all of these plants and other substances can be utilized in a way that is of great benefit to humanity?


Dr. Lotte [00:17:06] Yeah, absolutely. It's, you know, it's plant medicine. It was, we were supposed to use it. That's how I look at it, it comes from the earth.


Spring Washam [00:17:14] Yeah. These are natural medicines we could say they've been used and what's so interesting is, you know, at this conference, it was really a mix of south and north, you know, South Americans and North Americans and and thousands of years these plants have been used safely, you know, and they laugh a lot of Indigenous people laugh at all of our science. And they're like "we've been using this safely for hundreds of years, just so you know", you know? and everyone's debating it. And meantime, this has been going on and on all over South America in a very conscious way. So, so here we are at this moment in time and yes, it's probably going to be on the front of every news program pretty soon because of the research and the growing interest in psychedelic assisted therapy and plant medicine for healing places that feel unworkable, so tangled and blocked that it just feels like we were at an impasse. But we're not. I feel great. I'm an optimist.


Dr. Lotte [00:18:19] Yeah, I think we're moving in the right direction. So yeah, people are-


Spring Washam [00:18:23] Going somewhere, that's for sure.


Dr. Lotte [00:18:24] It's such a huge awakening when you see The Shift Network running ayahuasca and psilocybin and all these-


Spring Washam [00:18:32] Yeah, they're running retreats. I know the founder is my friend leads some of this work with them in Puma and in the Sacred Valley. Yeah. A lot of leaders, though, you'd be surprised how many people reach out to us that are, you know, maybe would surprise people, I'll put it like that. Yeah.


Dr. Lotte [00:18:54] Yeah. Now, let's switch gears a little bit. Let's talk about your book, The Spirit of Harriet Tubman Awakening from the Underground. So first, what inspired you to write this book?


Spring Washam [00:19:10] Well, I think it was during 2020, during the pandemic, and it was May and I write a lot about the inspiration in the first couple of chapters, Harriet just started appearing and helping me. At first it was I start the book with a vision of just being chased, and it was just terrifying, like a dream vision. And it was right when all these murders were happening of black people, George Floyd. A week before then Harriet came and started holding my hand. And I guess one could say the book was inspired by Harriet Tubman, who wanted a book about her heart for this time and a message. And I kind of map out the whole relationship, and I'm still in awe of it, Dr. Lotte. I'm still, I still am making sense of it, this dialog and I call it more of a conversation with an ancestor. This is like an ancestor who feels very connected to this place and feels the work is not done yet and is back in the spirit form, back in consciousness, because we're ready for that, you know. And so the book took me on a mind bending journey of growth and healing and I just really give thanks to Harriet Tubman, I feel like Harriet saved me. I start the book with that chapter, and I feel like Harriet saves me every day. You know? The things that are going like the Supreme Court, you know, recently turning back all these, you know, huge, huge milestones and thinking, okay, here we are again. We're back in time. So, Harriet Tubman. Yeah, it's it's the wonderful story. I hope people find great joy and inspiration and connect to the spirit of Harriet Tubman for themselves. That I hope this book is a kind of a a conduit for that connection.


Dr. Lotte [00:21:11] And do you feel she guided you through the chapters or was it more in the beginning of the book?


Spring Washam [00:21:18] Oh, no. Each chapter, there's 12 chapters, and each chapter is about Harriet's life and then her thoughts about it. So it moves through from birth all the way up until she dies through these 12 periods that are, you know, historical. The Civil War, The Women's Liberation Movement, Slavery, dismantling conductors on the Underground Railroad. I mean, she was just in this, you know, momentous period of great change. And it feels really relevant to right now. Like, something definitely is falling apart and and it will come back together. And I feel that the inspiration that Harriet, Harriet Tubman, I think, you know, was such a believer in possibilities of freedom and freedom for every being. So, we need her spirit now more than ever.


Dr. Lotte [00:22:21] Yeah, I would say that's that's very true. Definitely need her spirit. So I know in the book you talk about how someone can learn how to remain fearless in the face of hatred and confusion. Do you have anything to add to that?


Spring Washam [00:22:38] Well, it's also a key component to all of this is that, you know, I work with a lot of activists. I always have in downtown Oakland is a very active hotbed of activity for activists and a lot of different areas. And as we do our work now and we face the difficulties, you know, our our society is so polarized and it's very important that we not get sucked into that. As far as hate for hate. You know, if we're giving back hatred for hatred, you know, standing up for oneself doesn't mean we have to do it with, you know, a fist and a knife in our hand or gone. And when you know who you are, you don't listen to what people are saying about you and how they're defining you. And I think that's the power that Harriet Tubman had. Harriet was never believed any of the things people said, not about her being black and not about her gender, not about her ability to read or write. It was just movement like I am who I am. And I, you know, I will move in a fearless way and there's something that we can learn from that. You know, we don't have to be so sensitive, you know? Now is not the time for sensitivities in a way. You know, we just had to move forward with a kind of, you know, step being and knowing ourselves. And I know who I am. It no one can break that. No one can. You know, it's like I have a power. And that's what we need to access, know who we are, know our values. And I feel like I really learned that a lot with Harriet Tubman. Harriet was so looked down upon in the culture. Born a slave, you know, was like her destiny was already etched right when she was born. But it was like, you know, breaking through that. So I think when you know who you are, you don't have to respond with violence. You know who you are. And it doesn't the energy doesn't affect you. It doesn't mean that you don't respond. But how we respond now, I think, is really important.


Dr. Lotte [00:24:51] Yeah. What do you what do you hope people will take away after reading that book?


Spring Washam [00:24:59] First is that one person can do a lot of good. You know? Because one one flame lights a million, right? So don't underestimate also the the sort of overlooked among us, you know, prophets in some way, this book writes, I write about Harriet Tubman as being an awakened being, you know, because this was the message is throughout the chapter. And what I want is to for people to find their power. You know, we're so much stronger than we know. And sometimes, you know, we're we're living this dream life and it's our fairy tale, you know, and it's archetypal what's happening right now. And who are we in that? We're conductors of something in our lives, love and truth, you know, how do you how are your conducting your family or your community or your followers or, you know, we're conducting something. And I think Harriet can help us be those conductors as we head, you know, out into these places that are scary and move through this period. In our society, in our world, where everything feels like it's on the brink of something, you know? Let's see. But I'm hoping that people get a a download of courage. Yeah, because that's one thing Harriet has is this courageous heart. And and also, I will say, too, a connection to a higher power. Because for those people who cannot connect to the divine within them right now, who can't find that they won't make this turn that we're heading into. They'll self-destruct, right? They won't. You have to find this now within yourself, because that's the only thing that's going to give you ground, right? Because it's, you know, when the bottom falls out, you got to know who you are. You have to know that you're power, you're light, you're you're spirit, and that's how you make it through, you know? And so I feel that Harriet give that gives a lot of, reflections and and offers a really valuable perspective there.


Dr. Lotte [00:27:19] And I know that it's it's such a beautiful way that you describe it, because you have the Shamanism, you have the Buddhism, you have the meditation piece, you have your own life experiences to draw on, and you somehow managed to combine all of that into this beautiful package to deliver to the people.


Spring Washam [00:27:36] Yes, I know. It is funny.


Dr. Lotte [00:27:39] Right. So when when you hold retreats and and things like that, is it a combination of let's say somebody signs up for one of your retreats in Costa Rica. Is it a combination of Buddhism, Shamanism, Awakening, Meditation? What what can they expect?


Spring Washam [00:27:59] Yeah, it is a combination of all that because in some way all of it is the same. It's all been the same. You know, when we're working with plant medicine, we're just accelerating insight and liberation. It's just like it's just like we went from walking down the street to getting in a, you know, a 90 mile an hour vehicle. Now we're using the same principles. Stay in your body, awaken your heart, let go, let go, over and over. Right. This is suffering. It's the same it's Buddha Dharma. It always has been. That's why I started having Buddhist based plant medicine retreats early on, because I thought this is just an accelerated meditation. This is like we sat for one month and one night, you know, it's going to go really fast and you do mindfulness, you practice, you stay, learn how to work with your body. And so Harriet, as part of in the the Buddhist tradition, we have these archetypes of the Bodhisattvas, those who make vows to be of great support to all beings. And so it fits in, as you know, when we thank all the Ancestors, the Bodhisattvas, we thank Harriet Tubman, for conducting the ceremony, guiding us through whatever we need to get through. So somehow it all the song becomes the same. And these are just, you know, archetypal. You know, messages in a lot of ways, you know, when we're healing ourselves. So people love when I talk about Harriet Tubman, they love and I talk about Buddhism and I love when I talk about the indigenous people who carry the medicine for thousands of years and to help us get to this moment in time. So somehow it's interwoven. Yes, it's very unique. People do say that our retreats are very popular, actually. I, I have waitlists often, but I you know, I know that this is something that we need right now, and we need to find that courage. We need to find our hearts right now. And so this is these kinds of retreats really help people.


Dr. Lotte [00:30:07] Now. I couldn't agree more. I think it's, it creates an awakening in people when they do a retreat like that.


Spring Washam [00:30:24] Yes!


Dr. Lotte [00:30:24] Because it's life changing, is really changing. Those types of retreats just awaken the soul, the spirit within people.


Spring Washam [00:30:25] Yes and what's also so beautiful about it that people don't realize when they're signing up is the community of other people and how much joy and love and connection that the community's so connected with like minded people. It's, you know, for spiritual communities already, it's it's like, you know, there's something also this so healing of us being together. That is the third piece of this that I feel is so beneficial. Like the beloved family coming together, we need to be together too right now and do this work together. This is not the go it alone moment. It's a unified moment of connection and love, and let's walk together.


Dr. Lotte [00:31:11] Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I think a lot of people could benefit from going to one of your retreats.


Spring Washam [00:31:32] Awe, thank you!


Dr. Lotte [00:31:32] So tell me about your podcast.You're also a co-host with Lama Rod Owens to a podcast called The Spirit Underground. Tell us a little bit about the podcast. What do you talk about on that show?


Spring Washam [00:31:32] Yeah, well, you know what's so great? So Lama Rod Owens is another teacher friend of mine, and he had come on several retreats. So as a Buddhist teacher, as, you know, trained as a Tibetan Lama, and he and I really resonated with all of these modalities. And so we used to have conversations on the phone and we were like, "We should record this?!" Because we would be talking about Harriet Tubman, we'd be talking about the Buddhist practices, and we'd be talking about the indigenous people and the medicine and our healing. So that's really what it was about and we call it Spirit Underground because it is sort of connected to the Underground Railroad, you know, these plants being illegal and people going to jail, there's an underground it's like the mycelium, it's happening, it's seeping down into it underground. And so we called it Spirit Underground because it was just that it just felt so appropriate. And Conversations on Liberation and we're trying to use these these you know, ideas, the medicine, all this to liberate this into practice. So we talk a lot about practices outside of medicine work, but then how the medicine can be combined. Um, and so, yeah, I'm very excited we you know, we just started you know, we have about six or seven episodes and we're just excited to keep going and keep sharing our unique blend of all these three. So it's really what you were talking about. It's the three of these with another person who also does that.


Dr. Lotte [00:33:08] That's great! And how can they find the podcast? Is it on like Apple, Spotify?


Spring Washam [00:33:12] It's everywhere! It's on iTunes, the Spotify, you know, wherever you get your normal podcast, that's all there. Just Google it and they can see it also on my website.


Dr. Lotte [00:33:23] Okay, that's great. And it's called The Spirit Underground.


Spring Washam [00:33:27] Conversations on Liberation. Yep!


Dr. Lotte [00:33:30] So that's great. Now, I know we're already coming up to a close to this podcast. Time just flies. So how can people, number one find your books is are they on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, online?


Spring Washam [00:33:43] Yeah my books are everywhere. I'm a Hay House author and so there you can find them in the bookstores or on an independent booksellers online. Of course they're on Amazon and Audible. All my work is there, so you can also just find me through my websites, and yeah, and hopefully be inspired!


Dr. Lotte [00:34:08] That's a great! And um, also on your website there is information about the different retreats and events coming up?


Spring Washam [00:34:15] Yes! So there's always going to be links to my retreats. So we have also, it's through Lotus Vine Journeys is the name of my organization which hosts those retreats. So there's a link there that would just take you right over. Yeah. So you can you'll get all the information you need by going to my website.


Dr. Lotte [00:34:38] All right. And your website is just Yeah, I'll make sure to put that in the podcast notes as well so people can just click on it and go straight to your website. Do you ever do like online retreats or events or teachings?


Spring Washam [00:34:55] Yeah, I do! I don't have any coming up. I think I got a little burnt out on it, but I'm revving up again. You know, I just I really enjoy being in rooms with bodies of people and connecting and looking into people's eyes and, you know, but I love the accessibility of having a virtual and being online and connecting with so many people. I do do that, and I love to do that. I don't have anything coming up, but there will be. We're in the midst of scheduling a bunch of different things by then, so you'll have to stay tuned for that.


Dr. Lotte [00:35:29] And do you have like a newsletter or something people can sign up for?


Spring Washam [00:35:31] I do! People can sign up for it on my website and they'll get a newsletter with all kinds of activities and different things that are happening. And I also have a YouTube channel people can check out, and so there's lots of available online. I try to put out as much content that people can access freely, and um that's really important to me. So I'll be doing a whole bunch more, make a ton of videos on Practices of the Heart and teaching. So yeah, I hope to do much more in the future. Just, you know, just sharing content and ideas and, you know, messages of hope and, and possibilities for healing. I think this is why people are really looking for are, you know, what can help them get out of wherever they are that feels so stuck and into a better place. And so I'm really inspired to help everybody that I can find that strength in themselves and get through any moment that feels unbearable because there's hope and there's always transformation no matter where you are in this moment.


Dr. Lotte [00:36:40] And how do people find you on YouTube?


Spring Washam [00:36:44] They just Google me. Yeah, you just put Spring Washam in YouTube. You'll just everything is kind of just under my name because I never met another Spring Washam before, so it's kind of easy. It's very easy to find me!


Dr. Lotte [00:36:55] Right!


Spring Washam [00:36:57] Just put it in the Google search engine and everything will pop up! I really am, it's a good, it's good. You know?


Dr. Lotte [00:37:06] Love it! So, anyway, I want to thank you so much for taking the time to be a guest on the podcast and sharing all your knowledge with the listeners.


Spring Washam [00:37:14] It's an honor. Thank you.


Dr. Lotte [00:37:16] And I will put your link to your website and in the podcast notes and everybody go check out her books and her website.


Dr. Lotte | Ending [00:37:25] As we conclude this episode. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your presence within our community. If you haven't yet, make sure to subscribe. Leave a review and share this podcast with friends and family. Subscribe to my newsletter in the show notes and receive new podcast episodes delivered right to your inbox. If you resonate with the interconnectedness of mind, body and soul and are motivated to embark on a journey of personal healing, I invite you to connect with me at Together, we can pave a path towards transformative healing in your own life.